Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Harry and Tom friends make them a surprise


Yesterday afternoon after I got up from my nap, I was sitting in my wheelchair looking out the window at the back yard. I could see Harry and Tom’s house and began to wonder when they would return form their vacation. As I was sitting there I saw the three friends Charlie, Dan and Samantha walking around Harry and Tom’s house. They were talking to each other and would look at the sky, and than at the ground and at the trees. I hurried and put on my coat, mittens and my new black stocking hat, after filling up my oxygen tank I hurried down the wheelchair ramp in the garage and rolled around the corner of my house. I rushed through my back yard and rolled to a stop next to Samantha. By the time I arrived, Charlie and Dan were not there. I asked Samantha what they had been talking about. Samantha said they had decided to build a plant house for their two friends Harry and Tom. I asked her what a plant house was. She said they wanted to build a little house that had all windows. This would allow the sun to shine into the house and keep it warm so Harry and Tom could start their garden plants earlier. She told me that because Harry and Tom’s house was an underground house they were not able to start their garden plants early because there was no sunlight in their house.

As we were talking, Charlie and Dan came walking up. Charlie had a pad of paper and Dan had a couple of pencils. Charlie gave each of us some paper and Dan gave us each a pencil. The four of use sat in Harry and Tom’s yard and began drawing pictures of plant houses that had all windows. After we each had made a picture, we looked at each other’s picture and talked about what we liked best from each picture. After talking about what we liked about each picture we drew a plant house with the best ideas from each of our pictures. By this time it was late and time for each of us to go home for supper. However, before we went to our homes, I asked the three friends to come to my house the next morning.

The next morning when the three friends came, the four of us sat at the table and talked about how to build the plant house. Charlie suggested we go to the store and ask the man there to send out his helpers to build the house for us. So we went to the store and showed the man our plant house picture. He told us that he would get windows and other wood and send his helper to build the plant house.

Two days later, a yellow truck drove down the street and stopped in front of my house. As I watched two people carried a lot of things around the side of my house to Harry and Tom’s yard. When they had carried everything from the yellow truck to Harry and Tom’s yard, they began to build the plant house. By suppertime, they had finished and there in Harry and Tom’s back yard stood a plant house with windows on all sides and also on the top.

As I looked at the plant house, I thought the plants in that house would get lots and lots of sunlight and also would be kept warm. I wonder if you would draw a plant house? Can you draw a picture of the yellow truck and one of the people making the plant house?
Until next time,

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